Sponsoring ZHAW: Enhancement of Forest Edges in Switzerland

Martec Handels AG has been supporting insect research projects at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) since 2018. Thanks to Martec’s sponsorship, the research group led by Jürg Schlegel was able to publish an article in the specialized journal Forest Ecology and Management in July 2022.

The publication focuses on the objective evaluation of forest edge enhancements in relation to butterfly species diversity (diurnal butterflies). For this purpose, 36 forest edges in the canton of Aargau were examined from an entomological perspective. The findings are promising, as they show that significantly more butterfly species occur in enhanced forest edges compared to non-enhanced ones. Importantly, this result was independent of the adjacent land use. The valuable insights from this research are equally beneficial to authorities, conservationists, and foresters in order to design future forest edge projects with greater precision.

You can access the detailed publication free of charge at the following link:
Forest Ecology and Management 521 (2022) 120413, Jürg Schlegel

Martec’s sponsorship contributions are also used to complete the butterfly inventory of the canton of Zurich. For example, in the past year, eight species were reported for the first time in the municipality of Dürnten, thanks to this support. Among them were six rare species from the red list. These results also provide an important basis for planning ecological enhancements.

As a provider of products against insects, Martec considers the health of humans and animals as important as the protection of nature and insects. Insects are essential for the Earth’s ecosystem, so insecticides should be used sparingly, and natural alternatives should be preferred wherever possible (e.g., Neocid Verde). Martec will continue to support exciting research projects at ZHAW in the coming year, so stay tuned.